Different Kinds of Writing Styles

Writing is a versatile and creative process that allows individuals to express their thoughts and ideas in various ways. From academic writing to creative writing, there are different styles of writing that serve different purposes. Understanding the different writing styles can help writers tailor their work to meet the specific requirements of their audience and purpose. In this article, we will explore some of the most common writing styles and their characteristics.

Conversational style

Informal communication. The transmission of emotions, experiences – vernaculars from their vocabulary. The conversational style communicates at forums, communicate with friends in social networks, and communicates with relatives. Examples we see daily in short SMS.

Art style

It can combine all the others. The artistic style is commonly used in literature. It is appropriate in art books, stories, and poems for painting the transmitted feelings in brighter colors. Additionally, the richness of the vocabulary – influences the reader. If you already left a comment on my blog, you could appreciate my literary style in a book I give as a gift.

Journalistic style

Emotional coloring and the text in the journalistic style. Its main feature is the impact on a person in order to cause negative or positive reactions to significant events or news. The facts the author sets out logically, and consistently, give their evaluation. Moreover, the publicist style is popular with the media, the media. Its main feature is consistency and consistency, as well as mandatory reinforcement of information with precise information: who, when, where what, or said.

Official and business style

Instructions, orders, announcements, and legislative documents are all samples of business texts. Moreover, official documentation should not display emotions, and it should convey the essence clearly and comprehensibly.

Scientific style

For scientific works, educational literature is a scientific style. The characteristic of business writing is its general and abstract nature, as well as the use of specialized scientific terminology. The text is logical, and language resources are carefully selected.

On the other hand, the texts written in the scientific style are not dialogues, but monologues. High accuracy and consistency distinguish descriptions and definitions. Here, repetitions are not terrible, on the contrary: each concept has a clear name.


In conclusion, there are various types of writing styles, each with its own unique features and characteristics. Choosing the right style of writing for your purpose is essential in conveying your message effectively to your audience. Whether it’s academic writing, creative writing, technical writing, or any other style, it is important to have a clear understanding of the style and its conventions to produce high-quality writing. Experimenting with different styles can also help expand your writing skills and broaden your writing repertoire.

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